Get up boi! We have gods to kill. Dive into the adventure with a Father and Son set in the lands of Norse mythology.
What' good
- Story
- Gameplay
- Voice Acting
- Music
- Art and Visuals
What' not so
- Boating
The big daddy of video games! Everyone who has even a slightest knowledge of video games knows about Kratos.
This is an excellent package of a well crafted story, animation, voice acting, gameplay, action, music, art, visuals, open world elements, and re-playability — Everything that makes it (and Santa Monica) stand out in the crowd of Ubisofts and EAs.
Just like how Spider-man makes you FEEL like Spider-man, this will make you feel like the frickin God of War!
God of War
Get ready boi, the adventure is about to begin.
That's a nice deer you got there, be a shame if someone put an arrow in him.
So are we going to acknowledge the snake in the room?
Yes boi, we are going to kill something that big.
Aha, bifrost! I've heard about that in the movies :sweat:.
Let's jump boi. Yolo!
I am sorry son, I did the fortnite dance.
You did what!
I am in that game now boi! I am in that game now.
Also you are a god!
...wait what