Ordspel: IKEA Word Games
2023Fun collection of simple web games based on IKEA products. Including image selection, name selection and jumble!
Fun collection of simple web games based on IKEA products. Including image selection, name selection and jumble!
Learn how to type braille from within your browser, and compete against experts in a speed typing game. Made as a side project at Thinkerbell Labs.
“Add customized text to popular images, or choose your own, share with the world.”
Started as an app dev project for the iPhone, back in first year of college, 2014, Meme Maker has since been ported to Mac, due to lack of meme making applications on the platform.
Get personalized hyperlocal activity recommendations, and view places near you in augmented reality. Made with ARKit on iOS at AngelHack hackathon.
Intelligent smart assistant that operates via SMS service. National level finalists at Microsoft's code.fun.do SHOWCASE.
“The only app you need for managing all your TV Shows. Follow, Manage and Discover!”
Being a serial binger for all things geeky, and absence of TV show tracking applications on the Mac App Store, ATV series was made.
The official app for Revels in MIT, Manipal, 2017. This app is extremely useful to keep track of all the events and also get the results on the go.
Made on a lazy weekend during summer break to test out the all new Apple’s “ARKIT” in 2017, this fun game allows the player to hit papers on various cubes of one of our professors with initials SRP, as a gag since he was obsessed with them.
An attempt to clone the basic functionality of Samaritan from CBS' Person of Interest. Project was scrapped since we got busy with school, but it did churn out an amazing UI to “emulate” Samaritan on the phone.
ResearchKit based health, fitness and training tracking application made in less than 24 hours at AngelHack (Manipal), 2016.
A music based chat application made in 24 hours at Microsoft's code.fun.do hackathon, 2015.