A fully explore-able rendition of Hogwarts itself, tied together with a mediocre story and writing. The game is fun to to play however would not call it re-playable. Still fun though!
What' good
- Hogwarts itself
- Castle explorations!
- It is magical?
What' not so
- Repetitive
- Ludonarrative dissonance
- Mediocre story and writing
Oh beautiful, good to be back!
Hogwarts Legacy
Customization options take the center stage. Hogwarts in the 1800s was all about drip, and not the green filter Potter was used to!
Part of the RPG mechanics mean you have to attend classes. There's some fun dialog now and then!
Uhh, these wand descriptions go out of hand sometimes!
Classes means assignments! Shame there weren't a lot of these! My main character was a Ravenclaw, so I had to do all the assignments!
Funny painting man!
You okay there Seb? Not very glitchy, but there are some funny ones!
Oh nooooo, I petrifed a cat! I'm a bad wizard!
Visuals inside the castle are great!
Tea is important, well this is Britain after all.
Would have loved more small games. Perhaps they will re-open the conveniently closed Quidditch in the future?
Jeremy Clarkson, my favorite wizard!
Overall, quite a fun experience. Did get a bit repetitive towards the end, but the castle itself is a joy to explore. The main story is quite mediocre to be fair. Not a bad ride nonetheless.