Simply put, a masterpiece. Something everyone should play (at least once).
What' good
- Story
- Voice Acting
- Music and Sound
What' not so
- A Bit Glitchy
- Ancient AI
The Last of Us
What can be said about this that hasn't already been said? This is a really good game piece of media. Perhaps one of the best works of this generation.
While almost every title was putting an undead element in their games in the early 2010s, Naughty Dog crafted a human story that's set in the reign of the undead. This isn't about a hero, about protagonist we follow, it's about humanity, the last of US.
Are we ready to get our tear glands a workout?
What's the best way to relax after a good-ol-head-bashing session with a brick?
A joke book of course!
Move, big daddy Joel is here!
Best line of papa Joel? "I swear"? Nah, of course it's
"Found another one of them comics"
Long long neck.
There goes my grounded run heh.